/Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Beta 1 Released

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Beta 1 Released

Compiled on Mar 07 2012 in Linux

Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin beta 1 has been released and it includes a huge number of changes  so let's take a look at what's new.

Some of the new features now available are :

  • THE HUD :

One new feature is the HUD (Head-Up Display) and I think it’s amazing.A new way to quickly search and access any desktop application’s and indicator’s menu, called the HUD, can be accessed by taping the Alt key and entering characters. HUD  is an alternative to application menus especially designed for Unity that works everywhere the global menu does and lets you search the menus of either the focused window or the whole application.

Ubuntu 12.04's Unity gained an interesting addition,Unity Video lens, a default lens that provides numerous online video sources in the easiness of the Dash.
  1. The default music player has been switched to Rhythmbox, which again includes the UbuntuOne music store.
  2. LibreOffice has been updated to 3.5 beta 2.
  3. When installing packages through the software center, the corresponding language support packages are now installed automatically as well.
  4. A shortcut hints overlay is displayed when pressing and holding the SUPER key. This is a list of Unity keyboard shortcuts that blends nicely with the desktop by using the same style as Dash :